About Me

I was born in San Francisco and grew up on the SF Peninsula near Redwood City.  After earning an undergraduate degree at UC Berkeley and a law degree at UC Hastings in San Francisco, I received a Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College in Berkeley.

I didn't grow up wanting to be any sort of healer--I was generally more of an intellectual type. But an energetic awakening I had while meditating led me to realize that subtle energies are real and that there's a whole lot more to the physical body than I had previously believed.  

Then I figured out that I could become an acupuncturist and I could be a sort of professional wizard!  There was so much to learn about the subtle energies in our bodies, and acupuncture and energetic medicine was a uniquely powerful way to work on all aspects of a person's being--mental, emotional, and physical.

I was drawn to Donna Eden and her work because she can actually see the subtle energies of our bodies and she can teach others to perceive and balance the body's energies through muscle-testing and hands-on healing techniques.  I became an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner and combined that work with my practice of traditional Chinese and Japanese acupuncture and herbal medicine.

I’ve lived in Ashland with my wife Rhiannon and our son Ragi since 2016.